Harry Heape

Stories Unlocked: Indiana Bones and the Invisible City

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Dive into the deep and join Indiana and Aisha in another dogmungous detective tale, which just might be their twistiest adventure yet!

As the slithery Serpent reveals his plan to plunge the world into peril, our hairy hero and his pal Aisha are in a race against time to unravel the clues to stop him. But they’ll need to be brave as badgers when they get to the Invisible City. Why? Six million skeletons, that’s why! It’s going to be tricky because Indiana’s mind is on something else, which means Aisha’s going to need an ocean full of help from her friends.

Can Indiana get his mojo back and help before it’s too late, or will they all end up in very deep water? Join Harry as he brings his hugely popular stories to life.

best suited to ages 7+

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About the Author

Harry Heape img

Harry Heape

Harry Heape is an artist, a visionary and a very successful none of your businessman. A shy and quiet man, Harry lives and writes in deepest, darkest, Hahahahalifax where he spens any spare time he has playing sweet bassoon music, collecting crocs and volunteering at his local monkey prison. He hopes you like his book.