BLF is delighted to host The National Literacy Trust’s Bradford Stories Bus in City Park throughout the festival.
This unique and enchanting vintage American school bus has been converted to an incredible book haven and exciting event space. With seating areas, book shelves, a ‘selfie space’ and soft furnishings, it is a space devoted to running literacy based events for children, young people, families and communities including storytelling, writing and reading activities and open mic poetry nights.
It aims to improve access to books and promote reading for pleasure in communities across Bradford and since hitting the road in 2021 it has hosted around 80 events and had thousands of passengers.
There will be lots of pop up events taking place in the bus between the 23rd June and 2nd July run by The National Literacy trust and their brilliant community Literacy Champions. These will include early years drop in sessions for little ones and their families and free open mic nights for young people. The bus will also be resident on our Literature Unlocked Family Fun Days in City Park so do pop in and say hello!
Friday 23rd June
11.00 – 12.00pm, Bradford Stories Bus, City Park
Story & Rhyme Time, Drop in activity
Join in with our fun and friendly Story & Rhyme Time sessions on the Bradford Stories Bus. Led by Janice, a retired primary school teacher, volunteer at Idle Community library and National Literacy Trust champion, these delightful sessions are perfect for pre- school children.
Tuesday 27th June
11.00 – 12.00pm, Bradford Stories Bus, City Park
Messy Play session, Drop in activity
Bringing books to life through hands on, environmental play, families will be able to discover the importance and developmental benefits of a sensory play experience. Allow your child to experiment, get creative and enjoy a group story session. Session leader Haleema is a local literacy champion and works for the Better Place project in Bradford.
Wednesday 28th June
12.30 – 3.00PM
Teddy Bear’s Picnic, Drop in activity
If you go down to City Park today, you’ll never believe your eyes! Bring a picnic lunch and your teddy bear and enjoy a host of bear themed story sessions, craft activities and songs at our open air ( weather permitting!) picnic.
Delivered by the Skills for Work literacy champions, this pre school session will delight your little ones and there will be information available from Skills for Work regarding courses, training and support on offer locally for parents and carers.
Friday 30th June
11.00 – 12.00pm
Story & Rhyme Time, Drop in activity
As above, Janice will return for this fun, free drop in Story & Rhyme session
Bradford Libraries and the Summer Reading Challenge!
Drop in to Bradford Stories Bus throughout the festival to find out more and sign up!
This year’s Summer Reading Challenge will see over 100 free events and activities suitable for children between 4 and 11 years old, taking place in libraries across the Bradford district between Saturday 8 July and Saturday 16 September.
Each child taking part in the Summer Reading Challenge will receive a Ready Set Read folder at their local library with stickers to collect; bookmark; Frisbee, and if 6 books are read; a Ready Set Read Certificate and Medal (all subject to availability). You can register free at any library within the Bradford district.
The Summer Reading Challenge is the UK’s biggest reading for pleasure programme for children, presented by The Reading Agency and delivered in partnership with libraries. The Challenge encourages children to keep reading during the school summer holidays. They set a reading goal and can read anything they enjoy.
This year the Ready Set Read challenge has been developed in collaboration with the Youth Sport Trust, and will celebrate play and participation to encourage children to engage in reading, games and sports, in any way that best suits them. The Challenge will provide opportunities to showcase how reading can be active and engaged and can itself involve teamwork and community. Find out more at your local library or by dropping in to the bus to say hello!
About the Host

Bradford Stories Bus
Our latest innovation is the Bradford Stories Bus. A 14.5 tonne American school bus that we have converted to make into an incredible book haven for children and families. With seating areas, book shelves, a ‘selfie space’ and soft furnishings, it is a space devoted to running literacy themed events, from writing and reading activities to storytelling performances and open mic poetry events. We take the bus directly to schools and community groups in Bradford where the need for more literacy support is greatest, encouraging reading for pleasure and engaging children and families with literacy in all it forms.
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