John Mason Headshot

John Mason

John Mason has been a devoted supporter of the Bradford Bulls Rugby League Football Club for over seven decades. His passion for the sport began in childhood when his father took him to his first game at the age of six. Throughout his life, he continued to attend games, playing amateur Rugby League and later introducing his children and grandchildren to the sport. Alongside his lifelong interest in Rugby League, John had a fulfilling career with West Yorkshire Police, rising through the ranks to become a Force Youth and Schools Liaison Officer. He played a pivotal role in developing community projects and resources, bridging the gap between law enforcement and young people. Even after retirement, John remains actively involved with the Bradford Bulls Foundation, contributing his expertise in heritage preservation and volunteering at Foundation events.

John Mason Headshot

John Mason

John Mason has been a devoted supporter of the Bradford Bulls Rugby League Football Club for over seven decades. His passion for the sport began in childhood when his father took him to his first game at the age of six. Throughout his life, he continued to attend games, playing amateur Rugby League and later introducing his children and grandchildren to the sport. Alongside his lifelong interest in Rugby League, John had a fulfilling career with West Yorkshire Police, rising through the ranks to become a Force Youth and Schools Liaison Officer. He played a pivotal role in developing community projects and resources, bridging the gap between law enforcement and young people. Even after retirement, John remains actively involved with the Bradford Bulls Foundation, contributing his expertise in heritage preservation and volunteering at Foundation events.