Haris A. Durrani, Hammad Rind

Islamicate Science Fiction


Explore the rich and varied world of Islamicate science fiction with our expert panel of writers. This sci-fi genre incorporates Islamic culture and mythology into its storytelling, often diving into futuristic scenarios, or reimagining Islamic history and tradition.

Join authors Haris A. Durrani and Hammad Rind as they talk about their own work and Islamicate sci-fi in general, as they explore the themes, worlds and wonders this exciting genre contains. They will also discuss the intersection of Islamic culture and science fiction, the impact and influence of past authors and their work and the continuing influence of Arab science-fiction around the world.

Join our panel and immerse yourself in this supercharged storytelling tradition.

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Hammad Rind

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About the Authors

Haris Durrani

Haris A. Durrani

Haris A. Durrani is a writer of fiction, history, and legal scholarship. He is the author of Technologies of the Self and numerous works of short fiction. He is a PhD candidate in History at Princeton University and holds a JD from Columbia Law School. At Columbia University, he co-founded The Muslim Protagonist literary symposium. His essays and academic articles investigate law, technology, and U.S. empire. He is also a scholar of the classic science fiction novel Dune.

Hammad Rind

Hammad Rind is a Welsh-Pakistani writer and translator. His debut novel ‘Four Dervishes’ (Seren Books, 2021), a satire loosely based on a dastanby Indo-Persian poet Amir Khusro, was long-listed for the British Science Fiction Association Award. He is currently working on his second novel.