Join Professor Saeed Khan as he takes you on a trip back to the Watergate Scandal, including the riveting Senate testimony investigating the controversy, as well as the equally gripping conversation between Nixon and famed journalist, David Frost, in the famous Frost-Nixon interviews of 1977.
Richard Nixon holds the dubious distinction of being the first, and only, person to resign the US Presidency. On August 9 1974, he stepped down amidst the Watergate Scandal, handing the office to Vice-President Gerald Ford, who later pardoned Nixon for any crimes he committed or may have committed.
The journalists who broke the story became celebrities themselves, and the impact of the controversy has influenced every scandal since, be it in politics or elsewhere, with the ‘-Gate’ suffix now commonplace.
Khan will explore what the scandal meant for the American Presidency, media coverage and the legacy it has left, including public mistrust of politicians and politics in the US and around the world over the past 50 years, and whether Watergate set the stage for the rise of Donald Trump and the current political climate.
About the Academic
Saeed Khan
Saeed Khan is Senior Lecturer in Near East & Asian Studies and Global Studies at Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. He is also the co-founder of the Institute for Social Policy & Understanding, and a panelist on Turning Point for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
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