Dr Austin Tiffany Headshot

Austin Tiffany

Dr Austin Tiffany is a Senior Director at the Good Faith Partnership, where he leads on a number of international projects in the Middle East, focusing on the rights of religious minorities, interfaith cooperation and freedom of religion or belief. Two of his current projects are directing the work of the Forum for Peace UK and AI Faith and Civil Society Commission. Austin holds a degree in Theology from Baylor University and a Masters and PhD in Sociology of Religion from the University of Cambridge.

Dr Austin Tiffany Headshot

Austin Tiffany

Dr Austin Tiffany is a Senior Director at the Good Faith Partnership, where he leads on a number of international projects in the Middle East, focusing on the rights of religious minorities, interfaith cooperation and freedom of religion or belief. Two of his current projects are directing the work of the Forum for Peace UK and AI Faith and Civil Society Commission. Austin holds a degree in Theology from Baylor University and a Masters and PhD in Sociology of Religion from the University of Cambridge.